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The date of my kidney transplant was Sept 14, 2010 .

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The kidney is in!

This is Sarah writing for mike. He's doing great! Groggy and in pain (as well as the donor) but the kidney is working and both guys are recovering normally so far. We still need your prayers for recovery and that Mike's body won't reject the kidney, which is a possibility at any point in the life of the kidney, but as I understand it, less likely as time goes on. We are also praying that he won't get sick because the immune suppressing medication he has to take forever to decrease the chance of rejection makes him much more susceptible to illness and less likely to recover quickly if/when he does get sick.

Thank you all so much for your awesome support of us and the donor's family. We thank God for you and for the miracle of science that we are able to benefit from.

More soon!


  1. wonderful news! great to see that at least initial prayers have been answered. we'll continue to ask for rapid immune system recovery so you stay well and gain strength quickly during recovery

    Mike, you continue to be an inspiration to us. know that - despite being away from the church grounds - your spirit and story of courage will be a great example to the SunHouse kids!

    cheers and blessings,

  2. So glad to hear the transplant went well!! I'll be praying for a successful and healthy recovery for mike and the donor!


